About Us

About Us2018-09-24T10:25:07+00:00

New Leaf Gallery is a fast growing family business in Bickley Valley, Perth Hills.

With passion second to none, we are determined to consistently develop our level of quality, designs and customer service to give you the best experience when you purchase from New Leaf Gallery.

Our mission goes beyond our workshop and gallery doors where you take your piece of nature and allow our craftmanship to bring you joy and enhance your home or business.

Adam is an awesome father, devoted husband and a passionate, honest and hardworking guy.

His love of timber started in the woodwork room at Mazenod College which quickly became his favourite part of school.

When he wasn’t in the woodwork room, he was in his parents garage building furniture for his family and friends.

He moved quickly into an apprenticeship in carpentry and during this time his father Allen, took him to the Perth Wood Show where he saw heaps of different furniture machines and the Lucas sawmill.

At age 17 Adam bought his first Lucas Mill and along with a chainsaw and passion for timber began his first business of Great Southern Sawmilling.

Adam started sawmilling logs on friend’s farms and word spread where there were fallen trees to salvage.

Adam and Ashlee met in 2013 and within four years married and became a family with Bethany and Oliver.

It was time to grow the business and Gibson Furniture began with the introduction of more furniture machines, tools, timber and sawdust taking over Adam’s parents’ garage and backyard.

Adam, Ashlee and their children lived for four years in Brookton and in January 2018 decided they would take the leap and come home to their roots in the Perth Hills.

Bickley has opened its doors to new growth for their business with the start of New Leaf Gallery.

Ashlee is a dedicated wife and mother, bookkeeper and Adam’s no.1 supporter.
As Bethany states “I’m The Boss” and does not need directions when driving the Mack Truck.

She has an eye for quality and loves giving her tick of approval on the finished pieces saying “Wow, look at that dad that is awesome”.

Oliver cannot wait for the day he can go and work with Daddy. He has his own Huon pine toy log truck and chainsaw which he parades around the house pretending he is Dad or sometimes just chases his sister around with just to keep it interesting.